Lovable Solutions for Critical Life Positions


Addwit Money Matters – Series-1

World’s first program to understand ethical prosperity through the lens of Eastern wisdom. 158 episodes of video sessions. (Trial period – 3 weeks)

₹3,330/12 weeks

Addwit Expression Builder

Processes that the braiin uses to absorb any skill. Get the language right.

Flexi Fees

Addwit Vaibhav Sadhana Workshop

The prosperity basics workshop. Available in online and offline modes; In English as well as Hindi


Awareness About Six Critical Life Positions

Quality of life, work-life balance and personal prosperity greatly depend upon handling these six critical life positions. Watch the sample session


Addwit TSAP Director Selection

Expand your circle of influence; Guide people through the six critical life positions. Three cycles/year – in April, August and December.


रोमांचक हिंदी स्वस्पर्धा

भाषा का सीधा सम्बन्ध होता है स्वाभिमान (स्वयं की परिभाषा) के साथ | इसीलिए आइए, हिंदी अभिव्यक्तियों में समय के साथ आई अशुद्धता दूर करें | अन्य क्षेत्रीय भाषाओं का भी पूरा सम्मान है | अशुद्धत्ता अन्य भाषाओं में भी आई हो सकती है | वे भी इस कोर्स से प्रेरणा ले सकते हैं |