In the past one decade of our work, we have found that deteriorating Quality of Life begins around six core triggers

  1. Inability to handle career or business
  2. Inability to handle money and personal finances
  3. Inability to handle family and relationships
  4. Inability to handle language and communication
  5. Inability to handle Socionomics © – The continuous impact of social process (the thee Cs – culture, citizenship role, concurrency) on personal and macro economic well-being
  6. Inability to handle Self

Does that sound too simplistic? No it is not. We get stuck because we do not imagine hard enough – we do not imagine the benefit of one simple correction in the way we live our life; we do not imagine consequences of simply dragging on.

In the following TED Talk, Bina Venkatraman has covered very “urgent” topic of why we need to imagine consequences of faulty default behavior; and why is it good for the future.?

After you have reviewed the talk, especially first five minutes, then the rest of article discusses how we at Addwit had been living these thought processes for many years.

There are things that we discard thinking they are now old-fashioned – one of such things being the art of managing family. This is something that we have inherited from the past, and owe to the future.  For Addwit, saving the family system is our heirloom.

  1. The consequences of breaking families? Frightening, if we can imagine!
  2. Do we avoid imagining altogether so that we could stay away? Is it the timid part of our behavior? Quite possible.
  3. Is there no solution or hope? No, there are – ample, and simple. The FAMILY itself is the hope, because skills of all the six themes mentioned above are instilled in the child from the environment in family.

For all the six areas, ENOUGH resources, book, blogs are already available out there, somewhere. Yet, people are suffering. To address this, we have put together a Framework. It did take time; (but not as much as it took for the Mona Lisa artwork or the book Think & Grow Rich to be produced), and are now geared up to ‘establish’ it.

In this article – NEW BOLD POSSIBILITIES – I have discussed two extreme consequences – desirable and scary – when we implement what we already know and we don’t implement what we already know, respectively.

Why? Because we are too busy finding “what everyone else knows” FOMO! This is where I personally feel that we do not need to invent new knowledge, but we need to first assimilate what we already know.

Fast forward, as an enterprise concerned for long-term good rather than immediate profit, what we realize that – DOING INNOVATION IS ONE THING AND BEING ABLE TO ESTABLISH INNOVATION IS YET ANOTHER

I would like to end this article with this – Correct the mindset; and not the situation. Perhaps, having right mindset is another heirloom that we owe to the next generation.

We need to imagine the consequences of crumbling families, faulty mindsets.

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