Addwit Code Of Ethics applies to Community Managers, Addwit Reading Groups, participants of online and offline programs, subscribers, contributors, associate partners and partner organizations / nonprofits
They undertake not to represent Addwit or its approach / content / material in a manner that is not intended.
They undertake not to make unauthorized copy from any of Addwit content and publications.
They undertake to abide by highest human values, written or unwritten, and uphold integrity and service to self, society and nation (they belong to).
As someone associated with Addwit at any capacity, they undertake to engage in perpetual self renewal and progress, and keep away from any illegal or inhuman act.
VERY IMPORTANT – Please note that all certificates generated for completing any online course/quiz/program etc. on the Addwit Institute will carry user’s name as provided in the verification document attached here. Please make sure that your display name as user on Addwit website, and the name as displayed on the supporting documents match as exactly the same. Addwit Institutte reserves the rights to ask for rectification, clarification, re-submission, or decline in cases of suspicious user behaviour.
Additional Terms of MoU with partner organizations and non-profits
RESOLUTION: As a good practice, please submit the application after passing a resolution in the board meeting to this effect, and enclose a copy of the resolution.
VALIDITY: Partnership shall be valid for one year from the date of signing or upgrading, if B1 or P1 option has been taken.
REPRESENTATION: Partner organizations may represent Addwit strictly in the manner and extent as provided through Addwit website, printed shareable materials and / or authorized persons live interactions. Any misrepresentation or unauthorized commitments shall amount to instant termination of MoU and partnership, followed by steps for recovery of Addwit image, and erring partners shall be liable to compensate for damages.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: This MoU does not grant any intellectual property rights for any content or program whatsoever to the partner organizations.
LISTING: Both the partner organization and Addwit are free to list each other’s details as PARTNER ORGANIZATION on their respective website, brochure, prospectus etc. clearly making mention of duration of partnership.
PARTICIPATION: Partner organizations shall be involved in programs and projects of their interest, capacity and eligibility.
DETAILED T&C: Partners are expected to comply with detailed Terms & Conditions and Code of Ethics as displayed and updated at this link