Addwit Ethical Prosperity Think Tank
A-EPTT is working for ethical prosperity – prosperity defined in much holistic and deeper sense. Know about A-EPTT Guiding Principles & Strategic framework. Find opportunities and inspirations for partnerships & collaborations.
The AEPTT Guiding Principles

- THE ETHICAL PROSPERITY PRINCIPLE – The Addwit Prosperity Principle is – Ethical Prosperity is possible; and, being prosperous is the most ‘befitting’ response for any opposing viewpoint and adverse life-situations. Our definition of prosperity is way beyond financial capital / financial power; it is more holistic in nature – it isn’t quantitative, or one based upon instant gratification. (For clarity, it will be good also to refer Expertise & Expert Performance by Ericsson & Charness).
- ZERO-BASED APPROACH – Ensuring ethical prosperity requires careful filtration of all the available practices and knowledge points – “modern” as well as “ancient; “Western” as well as “Eastern” “scientific” as well as “cultural” – so that we can create solutions for improving quality of life for the productive segment of the society; and, this is accomplished by taking realist approach, rather than populist approach.
- ASSIMILATION OF MEANINGFUL – Adult assimilates what is meaningful for them. This involves scrutiny of not only WHAT needs to be learned (as discussed above), but also HOW do we learn. There is a remarkable shift in learning behavior, psychology of assimilation and learning priorities – especially after the Internet (x) pandemic of 2020s. ‘ASSIMILATION OF MEANINGFUL implies – no more trash-feeding on name of ‘education’. (Read more, requires loggin-in).
The AEPTT Strategic Framework

QoL and prosperity depict and leverage each other. For more than 90% of cases, an individual can qualitatively improve the QoL by working upon one / more from this sextet –
- Language – skills, mindset, and policies – Addwit has created an Organic Process for language acquisition which works around the brain processes and social process. This ensures that we acquire new language in most painless manner and while doing so, maintain respect for the L1, our first language.
- Employability – skills, mindset, and policies – Addwit has created the 4Q Framework for career management. This is equally useful at the outset of career, and at various career transition points.
- Atmnirbharata & Svavalamban – skills, mindset, and policies (separately both for communities that inherit entrepreneurship as legacy, and for those who are first-time entrepreneurs). Addwit has a dedicated framework for ethical entrepreneurship.
- Family’s finance – nut-&-bolts, skills, mindset, and patterns of habits – This is one of the key components of Addwit Ethical Prosperity Framework. It addresses not only HOW MUCH, but HOW we earn money – the foundations in thoughts and character.
- Parenting – Aberrations that have seeped in after 5+ generations of nuclear family system, trend of migration to metropolitans, tech-addiction, and disconnection from cultural roots. Addwit framework for parenting is crafted to ensure that family is re-institutionalised as a centre for personal and cultural development; and a place for finding the work-life balance.
- Self-definition – which includes and is not limited to Self-esteem and self-perception – In most cases, a major part fo self-definition comes from ‘belonging’ to a larger group, and from the norms therein. The same happens when one begins to belong to the Addwit Community. Of course, in addition to this belongingness, there are specific inputs and processes to help define and refine various components of the Self.
These six skills work more like a sextet – there is a silent conjunction among these six – for example, only through native language can one self-define oneself, which is accentuated by parenting.
The AEPTT Roadmap
Issues that we are working on (Identifying the root causes and developing scalable solutions for it) include –
- Dysfunctional aspects school education system
- Decolonization of collective psyche
- Preserving the family as cultural institution
- Making Sanskrit a trendy ‘normal & formal language’
- Unethical practices in economy and market, and beyond
- Unethical practices in health and food sector
- Religious fanatism, social divide and abuse of ‘faith’ as a system
- Galvanizing the society from the Woke Culture
- The Uphill Task of Character Building
- From Samvidhaan to Satvidhan
- THINK ABOUT IT – what problems shall the AEPTT solve…? (HINT – Something that we avoid talking about…)
- (READ MORE – The Use Cases for the Addwit framework for QoL
- Explore Opportunities & Inspirations for collaboration & Partnerships.
- Buy Addwit Publications.
- Explore – Our journey through inception.